
Well hi, hey there, and hello… and welcome to my blog!

I first started this process back in 2003 as a private outlet for my thoughts and feelings about the occurrences in my personal life, a place that I could “spill my guts” and not let anyone know.  It was essentially my private journal, mainly because I didnt give anyone the web address!

The blog has slowly evolved to be less about my personal life and more about the world around me as I see it.  The blog has followed me from Boston to Chicago, back to Boston, and now to New Orleans with.  Here you’ll find a running stream of my thoughts, opinions, and feelings as well as the ridiculous stuff I hear people (read: my friends and I) say or write.  For those of you who know me, this is the place where I put down everything that I don’t say out loud (I know, you would think that would be rather limited but it’s not).  It’s also a place for me to flex my public health and health policy muscles.  So if you have any interest in health care, keep it here.  I hope you enjoy what you see, and if a particular post speaks to you, leave a comment or like it.  I enjoy hearing your thoughts too!  Thanks for stopping by!

Please note that the views expressed here are solely my own and do not in any way represent those of my past, current, or future employers.

2 Responses to About

  1. Hey, can you shoot me an email? I’d love to use some of your content for St. Luke and about the partnerships with METI…

    Looking forward to hearing back!

  2. Pingback: Boston will miss you JustGngr | BosGuy

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